Tokyo’s brand-new Yuigaoka Girls’ High School has no history, no upperclassmen, and no reputation—its first students are starting from scratch! A team of five girls led by Kanon Shibuya discover school idols, and their hopes to do something with singing begin to grow. They begin the “School Idol Project” with a blank slate and infinite potential. It’s time for their Love Live to take flight!
(Source: Funimation)
Overview:Tokyo’s brand-new Yuigaoka Girls’ High School has no history, no upperclassmen, and no reputation—its first students are starting from scratch! A team of five girls led by Kanon Shibuya discover school idols, and their hopes to do something with singing begin to grow. They begin the “School Idol Project” with a blank slate and infinite potential. It’s time for their Love Live to take flight!